Hello, I have implemented ssl for tcp ad HTTP as well i.e ssl security for tcp ad http servers. I have created self- signed certificate for CA and server and client certificates using the self- signed CA certificate.But I would like to know the process of automating certificate management . For example: 1. My certificates and private keys are stored on my local machine in .pem format .I need to make the files unreadable so as to avoid mischief .Hence I create a .pfx file and install that on my windows certificate store, But I would require the cert and key paths in the server program. How do I open windows store and extract certs and keys only to retrieve those for my server program and not store the certs and keys on my local machine or file ? Is this the procedure how keys and certs are secured on server machines ? if not , what is the procedure, please elaborate. 2. One more concern is , if I export the .pfx file for my server program, I need to also give a password with which the .pfx file import had been done on the windows cert store and at some point in time , if the certificate renewal is to be done and the system admin is a new one, a new password will be assigned and on next export of .pfx file to server program, how do I assign new password? Is this the process that needs to be followed? -- View this message in context: http://openssl.6102.n7.nabble.com/regarding-automating-certificate-management-process-tp66636.html Sent from the OpenSSL - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.