Hi I have a SHA.sha file /usr/bin/openssl ts -query -data SHA.sha -sha256 | /usr/bin/curl -s -H Content-Type:application/timestamp-query --data-binary @- http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp > SHA.sha.tsr /usr/bin/openssl ts -reply -in SHA.sha.tsr -text > SHA.sha.ts.txt cat SHA.sha.ts.txt Status info: Status: Granted. Status description: unspecified Failure info: unspecified TST info: Version: 1 Policy OID: 2.16.840.1.113733. Hash Algorithm: sha256 Message data: 0000 - 8c 6d 95 5b e0 cd 8b c9-df 8c ab 57 45 c4 69 e6 .m.[.......WE.i. 0010 - 7a b9 ce cb 14 8f 55 25-91 2e 57 37 3e 5c b8 d5 z.....U%..W7>\.. Serial number: 0x570B9C3A11CA318E2478D3680C0FEFD9238E06AB Time stamp: Apr 19 03:52:25 2016 GMT Accuracy: 0x1E seconds, unspecified millis, unspecified micros Ordering: no Nonce: 0x580E59D87F396B25 TSA: DirName:/C=US/O=Symantec Corporation/OU=Symantec Trust Network/CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping Signer - G1 Extensions: But when I go to verify it openssl ts -verify -data SHA.sha -in SHA.sha.tsr Verification: FAILED 140569777235784:error:2107C080:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_get0_signers:signer certificate not found:pk7_smime.c:476: is this because I didn't provide a cert to sign it with ? I just want to verify the timestamp. Thanks