Dear Members, In the file ssl_ openssl-1.0.1g\ssl\ssl_sess.cssl_sess.c there are some routines that I do not understand their prototpye. For example: 1. void SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(struct ssl_st *ssl,SSL_SESSION *sess)) Return value is void. First parameter is SSL_CTX *ctx. Second parametr is a function pointer. Am I right ? 2. int (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx) ) (SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess) Return value is a function pointer. First parameter is ssl, second is sess. Am I right ? 3. void SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx,SSL_SESSION *sess)) 4. void (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(SSL_CTX * ctx,SSL_SESSION *sess) I?m trying to compile those routines using diab compiler for vxworks6.3 and I have a syntax error. BTW, using this compiler for vxWorks 6.9 (newer compiler) gives no syntax error. Can you help me understand the parameters of those routines ? Best regards, Z.V