Dear OpenSSL community, I am writing to introduce a new TLS library which presently makes use of OpenSSL: libtlssep. Libtlssep has two aims: (1) to provide a simpler API to application developers and (2) to encourage the decomposition of applications into at least two processes, one of which isolates access to secret cryptographic keys. Georgiev et al., Fahl et al., and other researchers have shown that application developers often misuse existing APIs [e.g., 1, 2]. This work informs aim (1). Aim (2) attempts to bring the privilege separation work of Provos et al. [3] to the domain of TLS in an easy-to-use way. The current implementation of libtlssep sits between an application and OpenSSL. Using libtlssep requires modifying an application to use the API, but we found the amount of work nominal while we ported wget and lighttpd. Of course, new applications could benefit from libtlssep right away. If you are interested in libtlssep, you can find more information at: A paper in submission with SPACE 2015 that includes a description of libtlssep along with performance measurements and other details. and a research prototype at: The libtlssep website. We would love to hear any constructive comments you might have, and would be interested in hearing about any possibility for future collaboration. Thank you, Mike Petullo [1] Georgiev et al.: The most dangerous code in the world: validating SSL certificates in non-browser software. CCS (2012) [2] Fahl et al.: Why Eve and Mallory love Android: an analysis of Android SSL (in)security. CCS (2012) [3] Provos et al.: Preventing privilege escalation. USENIX Security (2003) :wq