Hello, I explain : I would like a function like this : int X509_verify(const char *certPem, void *who, char *(*whatYouWant)(void *who, int type, const X509_NAME *subject, const X509_NAME *issuer)) where : <certPem> : is a certificat in PEM format to verify <who> : is an instance of a class whatYouWant : is a method of <who> that can find <type> (certificat X509_LU_X509, CRL X509_LU_CRL) with the <subject> and eventually the <issuer> this function would callback <who> on <whatYouWant> until the root CA of <certPem> and do the appropriates verifications on intermediate certificats and CRLs, and return 0 succes, other error. Is there any solution to do so with the current version of openssl API otherwise how can i do ? Thanks for reply. Best regards. Fabrice JACQUET