Re: [PATCH] ssh-add: support parser-friendly operation

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On 13.01.25 04:58, Damien Miller wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jan 2025, Corey Hickey wrote:
On 2025-01-10 01:35, Jochen Bern wrote:
workplace$ egrep ' ssh(|add)=' .bashrc
alias sshadd='( echo -n "`tput dim`" ; ssh-add -c -t 1800 ; echo -n "`tput sgr0`" )'
alias ssh='ssh-add -l >/dev/null || sshadd ; ssh'

With my patch v2, that would need to be:
alias ssh='ssh-add -l | grep -q . || sshadd ; ssh'

Are you aware of ssh's AddKeysToAgent option? It seems to already do
what you're trying to implement here.

It seems¹ to do the trick on my workplace machine, and probably² would do it for other users, too, thanks. What it can *not* cover, however, is my other example from our jump hosts³.

¹ As far as I can tell from the manpage and a short web trawl. In particular, I'm still unclear how it handles the case of an *already*-loaded privkey: Do nothing? Restart key's lifetime? Reload anyway (though *that*, by requiring passphrase entry, would make it rather useless, I guess)?

² I'm using almost *exclusively* a set of few "main" user keypairs, that may not be true with other users here. The web search suggests that I can control what keys AddKeysToAgent will try to load with IdentityFile? Or would it try to load from the default filenames as well?

³ In a nutshell, "if the forwarded agent does not have a key (anymore, due to limited lifetime), do *not* exec() the ssh/scp/sftp he typed and instead output a message that he should (re)load some *back on his own machine* first". Saves time, and false alerts in the logs ...

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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