Re: How should SSHSIG/ssh-keygen handle signatures by a Certificate

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On 10/02/2023 04:14, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
My questions going in:

  1. Will it accept an SSH certificate at all?
  2. If it does, will it accept the underlying Public Key too?
  3. What happens if my principals in the SSHSIG principals file don't
     match in the ssh certificate
  4. What happens if the certificate is expired? SSHSIG has no
     'time of signature', so how do we even know? Now?

The answers according to OpenSSH 9.1 / git

  1.   Yes!
  2.   No!
  3/4. No validation on the Certificate is done

You didn't provide the "-Y sign" commands that you used, but let me demonstrate using OpenSSH_9.2p1.  For testing I have:

~/.ssh/    # an expired certificate containing various principals, one of them is "brian@+nsrc"

I do not have the CA private key available locally - the certificate was signed using Hashicorp Vault - but I do have its public key.

As you described, plain signing works:

$ echo "hello" >hello
$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ~/.ssh/ -n file hello
Signing file hello
Write signature to hello.sig
$ mv hello.sig hello.sig1
$ echo "dontcare $(cat ~/.ssh/" >hello.allowed1
$ ssh-keygen -Y verify -f hello.allowed1 -n file -s hello.sig1 -I dontcare <hello Good "file" signature for dontcare with RSA key SHA256:mVV81jWVCP/SDRFA7vRM/SDQniylCAcBoSERWyhAXEo

I think you probably tried to do a certificate signature creation and verification like this:

$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ~/.ssh/ -n file hello
Signing file hello
Write signature to hello.sig
$ mv hello.sig hello.sig2
$ echo "brian@+nsrc $(cat ~/.ssh/" >hello.allowed2
$ ssh-keygen -Y verify -f hello.allowed2 -n file -s hello.sig2 -I brian@+nsrc <hello
Could not verify signature.

Note that the *signing* process was successful.  This implies that it was using the private key id_rsa to make the signature (since the CA's private key is nowhere).

Note also that the second signature is about twice the size of the first, although both have a single "BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE" block:

$ ls -l hello.sig1 hello.sig2
-rw-r--r--  1 brian  staff   866 10 Feb 08:30 hello.sig1
-rw-r--r--  1 brian  staff  1653 10 Feb 08:42 hello.sig2

In other words, it's a chain. You need to verify it using the CA's public key:

$ echo "brian@+nsrc *cert-authority $(cat*" >hello.allowed3
$ ssh-keygen -Y verify -f hello.allowed3 -n file -s hello.sig2 -I brian@+nsrc <hello
hello.allowed3:1: certificate not authorized: Certificate invalid: expired
Could not verify signature.
$ ssh-keygen -Y match-principals -f hello.allowed3 -n file -s hello.sig2 -I brian@+nsrc <hello

To summarize, I believe the following is true:

- to verify a detached signature made using a certificate, you must provide the public key of the certificate authority which originally signed that certificate - the time validity of the parent certificate is already being verified, without any code patches required

I guess it might be more user friendly not to allow signing with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate, or at least to warn if you do this.

Regarding your other question:

 "3. What happens if my principals in the SSHSIG principals file don't match in the ssh certificate"

The answer is the manpage under "ALLOWED SIGNERS":

     When verifying signatures made by certificates, the expected principal name must match      both the principals pattern in the allowed signers file and the principals embedded in
     the certificate itself.


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