On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 5:52 AM, Goodman Leung <gbcbooksmj at gmail.com> wrote: > does any one have ipv6 work on ocserv ? > > i add configure "ipv6-network = 2001:470:c19d:xxxx:xxxx::/64" > > and from the debug log output > > assigned IPv6: 2001:470:f91d:c15c:0:74:f141:e500 > > ipv6 address had been assigned, from when i check my client side , it > did not found ipv6 address on the tun interface It's working for me, using explicit-ipv6 to provide a /128 to specific clients. You might want to run the client with --dump-http-traffic and look for these headers: X-CSTP-Address-Type: IPv6,IPv4 X-CSTP-Address-IP6: 2001:470:f91d:c15c:0:74:f141:e500/128 If your ipv6-network (i.e. the delegation you received from your ISP) is only a /64, you can try ipv6-subnet-prefix = 128. Ideally you'd want to get a /48 or /56 from your ISP, and then hand out a /64 to each VPN client.