Next FOSDEM [1] will, again, have a security devroom, this time on the topic of "Theoretical and practical vulnerabilities and mitigation techniques for widely used protocols and software". We'd like to invite submissions of talks and presentations from developers, security researchers and other interested representatives of open source and free software and hardware projects. This is the call for talks and presentations that will take place in the Security devroom at FOSDEM 2017. Our topic this year: The topic of this years FOSDEM Security Devroom covers protocol and implementation vulnerabilities (and mitigation techniques) for widely used Internet protocols and software, and theoretical and practical cryptographic algorithms and techniques. For up-to-date submission and event information: The security devroom will be held on Saturday 4th or Sunday 5th of February 2017 in Brussels, Belgium at ULB. Feel free to forward this announcement to any relevant FOSS project mailing list. [1] PS. If you have questions or would like a chat on gnutls or openconnect vpn server, let me know if you are around fosdem.