All, I've been running great for the past 2 months with the "--os=android" option. Having an official option would be nice in case the "--os=android" option starts doing something differently. I guess the thing I'd like most is to be able to run this directly in the NetworkManager GUI. Unfortunately, the GUI has very little in the way of options, so there would be no way to pass any special command line options. Oddly, the GUI has an option for 'Allow CSD trojan' but checked or unchecked, it still fails if it can't download it. Is there any option to just print a warning if it can't download it and continue? If a user really needs the CSD and it fails to download, it will just fail further down in the process. This would work best for me (and at least 2 other co-worker that I know of) since I believe NetworkManager will just work as-is then. Of course this is just a wish list item for me. So, far I've been perfectly content running openconnect in a separate window. Thank for providing this great software. Thanks --Andy