On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Mike Lischke <mike at lischke-online.de> wrote: > Hi list, > I got the list address from the infradead.org website and hope it's ok to post a question without being subscribed to the list. > What I have: installed OpenConnect on a Win 8.1 machine (x64) and it's running fine. It even connects nicely to my company VPN network. > The problem: access only lasts like 10 seconds. After that the clients still says it is connected (sending DTLS keep alive and getting a response), however I can no longer access anything outside my local LAN. Neither the company LAN nor any other internet site. Local LAN access is still working. The log doesn't contain any info in that time frame of about 10 secs (just the usualCSTP/DTLS keep alive/response messages). When I reconnect it works again for 10 secs and is dead after that. Which windows client do you use and which version? In any case you should check your routing table (with route print) when everything works and after 10 secs. It could be that you run something that changes the routing table. regards, Nikos