Hello, Does OpenConnect support IPv6 split tunneling feature or not? If not when do you expect it will? I do not understand changelog clearly - http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/changelog.html. Our customer wants to buy Cisco ASA platform but strictly insists on AnyConnect supporting IPv6 on Linux platform. Cisco states there is NO IPv6 support at all in the latest AnyConnect release 3.1.x for Linux. I am looking for an alternative solution. Is there any document summarizing OpenConnect IPv6 support for different platforms? Best regards Tomas Tomas Moser | Systems Engineer, Security ALEF NULA, a.s., U Plynarny 1002/97, 101 00 Praha 10 Phone +420 225 090 373 | Mobile +420 773 069 207 | Web www.alef.com