On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Jason Greathouse <jgreat at aquillius.net> wrote: > I'd like to request the ability to report that my system is "android" > or maybe "ios". --os="android". This appears to just require adjusting > the headers and xml that is sent in the initial POST. I have added this in my "android-csd" branch: https://github.com/cernekee/openconnect/commit/47c274cb0aaa429f6d6549677b42c297cb391677 For the wrapper script see: https://github.com/cernekee/ics-openvpn/commit/e4d02f98028228c6e69406cbde50d77c6729910b This is still a work in progress. The end goal is to fully incorporate it into the openconnect fork of ics-openvpn so it is usable through the GUI. The JNI bindings are present in my tree, but currently untested. To try it from the Android command line, push openconnect, libopenconnect.so.2, curl, and android-csd.sh to /data/local/tmp with adb and then run: export PATH=/data/local/tmp:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp openconnect --csd-wrapper /data/local/tmp/android-csd.sh <HOSTNAME> BTW, has anybody been able to use the Cisco Android client to connect to ocserv? I am able to authenticate, but then the app logs CSTPPROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_LICENSE_FROM_HEADEND and disconnects. It might be looking for a "X-CSTP-License" header, but I get CVCCONFIG_ERROR_BAD_LICENSE_VALUE errors if I try setting it to either "mobile" or "android".