Hello, I've just released ocserv 0.0.2. ocserv is a VPN server that implements the AnyConnect SSL VPN protocol and targets small embedded Linux devices. The changes since 0.0.1 are: - Updated HTTP protocol handling (fixes issue with openconnect < 4). Reported by Mike Miller. - Use TCP wrappers (libwrap) when present. - Fixed issue with the 'local' keyword in DNS server. - Added configuration options 'user-profile' and 'always-require-cert' to enable non-openconnect clients to connect. They are enabled with the configure option --enable-anyconnect-compat. - Allow setting a rate limit on the number of connections. - Allow setting a reconnection delay time after a failed authentication attempt (added min-reauth-time option). - Eliminated memory leaks. - Auto-detect xml content for username and password (fixes interoperability with newer openconnect versions) The current release is available at: ftp://ftp.infradead.org/pub/ocserv/ocserv-0.0.2.tar.xz ftp://ftp.infradead.org/pub/ocserv/ocserv-0.0.2.tar.xz.sig The VPN server's web-site is at: http://www.infradead.org/ocserv regards, Nikos