Hi all, Perhaps a slightly different use case to the password errors posted in July. Connecting to Cisco VPN gateway. I am attempting to login with one of 2 authgroups and have a password containing special character "!" >From the command line (obfuscated server and user) openconnect test.blah.com POST https://test.blah.com/ Attempting to connect to server SSL negotiation with test.blah.com Connected to HTTPS on test.blah.com XML POST enabled Please enter your username and password. GROUP: [Corp-VPN|Test-VPN]:Test-VPN Username:user_test Password:xxx!11XX POST https://test.blah.com/ Login failed. Please enter your username and password. GROUP: [Corp-VPN|Test-VPN]: openconnect 5.01 on Fedora 19 fails openconnect 4.07 on Raring succeeds Regards, John