On Wed, 25 May 2011, Hiroyuki Kawakatsu wrote: > polya# openconnect --version > OpenConnect version v2.25 Very old... :( > (the debian package), I get (after the connect banner) > > Error: either "to" is duplicate, or "ipid" is a garbage. Hm, is your vpnc-script just as out of date? I bet Debian is still shipping the old one from vpnc itself rather than a separate vpnc-script package? Can you try this with the latest script from my git repository (as linked from the opoenconnect web page)? If that doesn't fix it, please send '/sbin/ip route' output before and after connection, along with openconnect output with the '-v' option. Since you're using such an old version, be careful to elide the 'webvpn' cookie before posting. Current versions don't print that. -- dwmw2