Every one of us benefits from the security that comes from having health insurance, but millions of Americans need to act right now, before tomorrow, December 15.
If you need coverage that starts on January 1, you've only got one day left to enroll at HealthCare.gov and review your options for 2016 coverage.
So if you still need quality, affordable health insurance, don't put it off another day. Go to HealthCare.gov and sign up now.

If you choose not to buy health insurance and could afford to do so, you are at risk of paying a $695 fee or more. Meanwhile, most people can get coverage via the Health Insurance Marketplace for less than $75 a month after tax credits.
If you already have health insurance -- it pays to shop. First, update your information, because you might be eligible for lower costs than last year.
Next, shop and compare your plan options. You may find there is a different plan available this year that saves you more money or offers more services.
Finally, select the plan that best meets your family's health and financial needs. Even if none of your information has changed, you may still be able to get a better deal and help paying for coverage.
Know someone who might still need to get covered? Forward this email right now and make sure they know how to sign up.
Even if you're covered, there's still a role you can play in helping as many Americans as possible get quality, affordable health insurance.
After 100 years of talk and countless failed efforts, Barack Obama was the President who finally made health care reform a reality for America. Learn more about where we stand.