Here's something you may not realize we do here at the White House:
Every Friday, our video team releases a compilation of the best moments from the previous week here. I narrate each installment, but you have better things to do than listen to the sound of my voice.
Each episode is full of behind-the-scenes snippets of the President, scenes from his travels on the road, and special footage of guests that visit the White House.
We call it "West Wing Week." Take a look -- it just might become a favorite Friday tradition.

This week's episode -- or, "I think that works!" -- features scenes from the President's visit with the Japanese Prime Minister, the White House Correspondents' Dinner, an interview with the Wall Street Journal, a "virtual field trip," and more.
(If nothing else, make sure you jump to 50 seconds in for some hilarious behind-the-scenes footage of the President with "Luther," his anger translator.)
Another fun fact: If you want to get a sense of what the President's up to on a given day, we post his schedule online daily. You can check that out here.
Enjoy -- and have a good weekend,
Josh Earnest
Press Secretary
The White House