The Medal of Honor: Behind the scenes

Today, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to two men -- Army Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins and Army Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat -- for their service in Vietnam.
"Nearly half a century after their acts of valor," the President said, "a grateful nation bestows upon these men our highest military decoration -- the Medal of Honor."
Most Americans know that the Medal of Honor is the highest military award that a member of the U.S. Armed Forces can receive. But have you ever wondered what goes into the preparation for an actual Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House?
In June, we went behind the scenes of the award ceremony for Corporal William "Kyle" Carpenter, a retired United States Marine, for his actions during combat operations in Afghanistan.
And at 1:15 in the video above, you can hear the phone call where President Obama tells Corporal Carpenter that he'll be receiving the Medal of Honor. It's an amazing moment.
Take a look here, and pass it on.