Slide to the left:
10 million -- that's the number of jobs American businesses have added over the last 54 months, marking the longest streak of private-sector job growth in American history.
While there's still a lot more work to do, the economy has improved significantly since President Obama took office in 2009. Back then, the economy was shedding jobs by the hundreds of thousands, the housing market had hit rock bottom, and the American auto industry was on the brink of collapse.
But the President took action, and now -- thanks to the resilience of American workers and business men and women -- you can see the progress we've made in four key economic sectors that have helped make 10 million jobs possible.
Want to see exactly how far we've come since the Great Recession? Just slide to the left:

From breaking ground on new homes and building more cars, to selling more American products abroad and buying more at home, check out these interactive charts to see where we stood when President Obama took office and where we are now -- then share them with whoever needs to see it.