Fifty years after Vietnam
In his speech at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., President Obama did more than just mark Memorial Day; he began the 50th commemoration of that conflict and those who served in one of America's longest wars.
Fifty years ago, American forces stepped up operations in Vietnam. During the conflict, more than three million Americans served in the Vietnam war, and more than 58,000 American patriots gave their lives. And when U.S. forces returned home, too many never received the hero's welcome they deserved.
Yesterday, President Obama told their story as it should have been told all along -- a story of patriotism, honor, and courage. Here's a short video to mark this important moment that you can share to help set the record straight and honor the service of Americans who fought in Vietnam:

P.S. -- To learn more about what you can do to support all America’s veterans and military families, become a part of the Joining Forces initiative.
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