Good afternoon --
Most Americans are concerned that all we'll see from Congress this year is inaction. Count me as one of those Americans.
But the fact is we need Congress. President Obama is doing everything in his power to move our economy forward. Not surprisingly though, the proposals with the biggest impact require legislation.
So at this make-or-break moment for the middle class, the President has called on Congress to move forward with a concrete plan that creates jobs and helps restore middle class security. It's so simple, we've boiled it down into a five item to-do list.
Learn more about these ideas and share them.

It matters when Americans stand up and make their voices heard. Last year, when you spoke out about extending the payroll tax cut, we changed the debate here in Washington. Over the past few weeks, you answered the President's call to speak up about stopping student loan interest rates from doubling, and now we’re starting to see the gears turning in the House and Senate.
The members of Congress who refuse to act are betting that Americans across the country won't pay attention. So we've got to stay focused on the work at hand, and that starts with President Obama, who will be raising awareness across the country. You can join him by speaking out and sharing the list with your networks.
These five ideas will help create jobs and protect the middle class.
There are homeowners throughout the country who have done everything right, made their mortgage payments on time month after month, but when they look for relief, they get the runaround. With interest rates as low as they are right now, Congress should cut red tape for responsible homeowners to refinance and keep a little more money in their pocket each month.
There are a set of tax credits that are helping American companies put people to work developing clean energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Unless Congress takes action, those credits will expire. That's an unforced error, both for our economy and our environment.
Small business owners play a central role in our economy. Congress should provide firms that create new jobs or increase wages with a 10 percent income tax credit.
Lawmakers need to do more to help the men and women who are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan find jobs once they come home. President Obama is asking Congress to create a Veterans Jobs Corps that will help them find work as police officers, firefighters, or as employees at our national parks.
We need to stop rewarding companies for sending jobs overseas. Congress needs to eliminate the loophole that allows corporations to deduct their expenses from outsourcing jobs and use that money to give a tax credit on moving expenses to companies that bring jobs back.
That's it. It's straightforward and entirely within Congress's power to pass and send to the President for his signature.
So take a minute to learn more, then share this email and the list with folks in your network.
David Plouffe Senior Advisor to the President
P.S. -- President Obama talked about why this plan is so important yesterday. Check out what he had to say.
