Good morning,
Last week, we launched a first-of-its-kind website that makes it easier to find health care coverage and clearly explains how new rules like the Patient’s Bill of Rights in the Affordable Care Act will benefit you, your family, or your business.

While technology has made it easier to search for plane tickets or to find the right apartment, shopping for private health insurance plans has remained difficult for too long. takes some of the mystery out of shopping for health insurance.
Just answer a few easy questions, and will provide all the coverage options that are right for you, including public and private health insurance tailored to your age, location, and health needs. The site also helps Americans make informed decisions about health care coverage by offering easy to understand information about new benefits and protections for individuals, families and employers.
The site is easy to use and comprehensive, and it’s only going to get better. Throughout the site, there are places to ask questions and give feedback, and the team at the Department of Health and Human Services will be responding to common questions and updating content based on your feedback. In October, the site will include information on the price of health insurance plans and we’ll be adding other new features like tools to help you stay healthy and a database of hospital quality ratings.
The launch of is just one of many steps we have taken to strengthen the health care system for all Americans since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Here are a few others:
- Parents can now rest a little easier knowing that insurance companies will be prohibited from denying children coverage because of a preexisting condition or putting a cap on the amount of benefits that will be paid in lifetime;
- Young adults up to age 26 without insurance will be able to get on their parent’s plan;
- Seniors hitting a gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage known as the “donut hole” are getting $250 checks; and
- Small businesses are now eligible for tax credits to help them afford coverage for employees.
But there is much more to be done. Be sure to check out regularly to stay current about benefits available to you and informed about what’s ahead.
Nancy-Ann DeParle Director, White House Office of Health Reform
P.S. Tomorrow, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius will be answering your questions about and the Affordable Care Act at 12 noon EDT. You can submit your questions head of time at:
