Good morning,
I'm writing you today to talk about literally putting money back in your pocket.
We've launched the Tax Savings Tool at to make sure as many Americans as possible know about and take advantage of the array of middle class tax refunds passed in the Recovery Act last year. With a few simple questions, the tool generates a printable checklist anyone can use to make sure they don't miss out on any of the benefits they may be owed.

Did you know, for example, that 95% of working families have been getting money in their paychecks in 2009 from the Recovery Act's $400 to $800 a year Making Work Pay tax credit –- and will continue to in 2010?
If you didn't know that, you may not know about all of the other tax cuts that may be available to you as a result of the Recovery Act -- refunds relating to everything from college tuition to new cars to new houses to using more renewable energy. The reason the President fought for all of these tax cuts as part of the Recovery Act was to give middle class families a little extra break in what continues to be a tough economic time -- and also to help give the economy itself a boost.
For families across the country, maybe including yours, these tax cuts have provided the incentive they need to make energy-saving improvements to their homes, finally get a new car, or buy a home for the first time. All of that is helping to jumpstart the economy and provide more clean energy, manufacturing and construction jobs for working families, contributing to the 2 million jobs the Recovery Act has created or saved since it passed.
So take a look at the tool and make sure you're getting everything you can out of your tax return -– you may be pleasantly surprised.
Joe Biden Vice President 