Good afternoon,
32,000,000 -- that's the number of Americans who will get health insurance under the President's plan.1
That's also a little more than the entire populations of Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky and Arizona -- COMBINED.2
For the past couple weeks, we've been using key numbers to help raise awareness about how we just can't wait any longer for health insurance reform. We used $1,115 to tell the story of how skyrocketing premiums are crippling America's workers. We used 8 to convey how widespread and severe discrimination for pre-existing conditions is across the health insurance industry. And we used numbers like 625 and 50/50 to clearly show that any one of us is at risk of losing insurance in our broken health care system.
Today -- in our last number of the series -- we're using 32,000,000 to represent not only all those who will get health care, but also all the numerous benefits America's families and small businesses will see from health insurance reform. From eliminating discrimination based on pre-existing conditions to controlling costs and lowering the national deficit to providing tax credits for middle class families and small businesses, health insurance reform will finally put America's families and small businesses in control over their own health care.
Watch our new 'Health Reform by the Numbers' wrap-up video and learn more about what you have to gain from reform:

32,000,000 is the last number in ‘Health Reform by the Numbers,' our online campaign to raise awareness about why the time is now for health insurance reform. Help spread the word by sharing this message with your family, friends and online networks.
Let's get it done!
Nancy-Ann DeParle Director, White House Office of Health Reform
1 Source: Congressional Budget Office, Letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 2 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates
