Re: [RFC PATCH 0/3] gpu: nova-core: add basic timer subdevice implementation

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On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 02:16:58AM +0100, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> > DRM achieves this, in part, by using drm_dev_unplug().
> No, DRM can have concurrent driver code running, which is why drm_dev_enter()
> returns whether the device is unplugged already, such that subsequent
> operations, (e.g. I/O) can be omitted.

Ah, I did notice that the driver was the one providing the
file_operations struct so of course the core code can't protect the
driver ops. Yuk :\

> Again, the reason a pci::Bar needs to be revocable in Rust is that we can't have
> the driver potentially keep the pci::Bar alive (or even access it) after the
> device is unbound.

My impression is that nobody has yet come up with a Rust way to
implement the normal kernel design pattern of revoke threads then free
objects in safe rust.

Yes, this is a peculiar lifetime model, but it is pretty important in
the kernel. I'm not convinced you can just fully ignore it in Rust as
a design pattern. We use it pretty much everywhere a function pointer
is involved.

For instance, I'm looking at and wondering why is it safe
against Execute After Free races. I see none of the C functions I
would expect to be used to prevent those races in the code.

Even the simple example:

//! fn print_later(val: Arc<MyStruct>) {
//!     let _ = workqueue::system().enqueue(val);
//! }

Seems to be missing the EAF prevention ie WorkItem::run() is in .text
of THIS_MODULE and I see nothing is preventing THIS_MODULE from being

The expectation of work queues is to follow the above revoke threads
then free pattern. A module should do that sequence in the driver
remove() or module __exit function.


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