On 19/11/21 13:31, Karol Herbst wrote:
yeah.. not quite sure yet. I tried it out with my gk208b gpus, but
couldn't hit anything. Maybe using VGA makes the difference here. Or
something else is different. Might also already be fixed in 5.16...
too many unknowns still. I will do another round of testing with VGA
and see how that ends.
hello again,
thanks for your effort Karol. i've just found another time the bug and:
1) kept the vga cable in the same place.
2) connected a dvi cable between the same computer and the same monitor.
3) told xrandr to dup the signal through the dvi cable:
DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr --output DVI-D-1 --mode "1920x1080" --same-as VGA-1
4) voilà! the monitor, all alone, switched to dvi input and there is my
x session up and running.
5) if i force the monitor to change to vga input it refuses it and
returns to dvi
so i think the driver does its job but without actually sending anything
through the vga cable.