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                        The official
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		Peter Tonoli <anarchie@suburbia.net>

This is the list of frequently asked questions, and the answers to those
questions for nntpcache, the caching NNRP server daemon.



Section 1. Introduction and General Information
 Q1.1	What is nntpcache?
 Q1.2   What operating systems does nntpcache support?
 Q1.3   Where can I find nntpcache? / Where is the latest version?
 Q1.4   Can I use nntpcache freely or do I have to license it? 

Section 2. Frequently encountered problems and solutions
 Q2.1   My system chokes on all that damned mmap()ing?!. What can I do?
 Q2.2   Netscape-news kills itself when reading news from nntpcache-0.88.3! 
 Q2.3   Expiring with nntpcached -e doesn't work
 Q2.4   Help! The size of our cache keeps growing! What should I do
        about expiration?
 Q2.5   nntpcache spits out : 'post failed From: address not in
        Internet syntax'. What does that mean?
 Q2.6   Why does nntpcache-update take so long to load at initialisation?

Section 3. Support and Resources
 Q3.1  Is there a nntpcache mailinglist?
 Q3.2  How do I unsubscribe from the mailinglist?
 Q3.3  Is there an archive of the nntpcache mailinglist?
 Q3.4  Is there an official nntpcache home page?
 Q3.5  Who should I contact if I can't get nntpcache to work / I've 
       found a bug in nntpcache, what should I do?

Section 4. Configuration of nntpcache
 Q4.1 What are all those entries in the servers configuration file?
 Q4.2 How do I specify the "Xref:full" part in the "overviewFmt"
      line in the config file?
 Q4.3 I've entered a server but nntpcache doesn't seem to want to
      know about it.
 Q4.4 I want to set the nntpcache-virtual-server-size record, what
      are some public news-servers I can add to my servers file?

Question 1.1. What is nntpcache?

	Nntpcache (efficiently) executes on the localhost pretending to be
	an NNRP news reading server. In fact, what it does is pass certain
	NNTP commands through to real (remote and possibly local)
	news-servers based on various pattern matching rules. nntpcache then
	takes the output from those servers and caches & indexes it in funky
	ways (much specific case magic goes into this). The next time such
	information is asked for, or other information which can be
	logically inferred from the previously collated information, it is
	sent directly from the cache, without consulting the remote servers.
	It provides multi-server group merging, and sophisticated weighted
	content-filtering, access control and a chrooted environment. It
	makes heavy use of shared memory, copy-on-write, fd caches, mmaping
	and more for efficiency capable of serving thousands of simultaneous
	To sum that up in layman's terms : nntpcache is a cache, similar
   	to the Apache object-cache, but nntpcache works on newsgroups. By
   	acting as a cache, nntpcache transparently and efficiently saves
	bandwidth enough to feed a small nation. It can also merge dozens of
	news servers into one large "virtual" news server, and provide
	content filtering (censoring! censoring!). It's a miserly beast with
	cpu and memory due to some gee-whizz trickery.

Question 1.2. What operating systems does nntpcache support?

	nntpcache has been known to compile under these systems :
        * BSD
                FreeBSD 2.2-CURRENT + GCC2.6.3
                BSDI [something]

        * LINUX
                Linux 1.3.77 + GCC 2.7.2 + libc5.2.18

        * SOLARIS
                2.4 + Native CC

        * HP-UX
                HP-UX 9.05 + HP ANSI C

        * OSF/1

	If you find a OS/compiler/library tuple that nntpcache appears to
	compile and run under, then don't keep it to yourself, please let
	tell the devteam at nntpcache@nntpcache.org! (this list is.. err
	dated - nntpcache works on nearly all modern unixes)


Question 1.3. Where can I find nntpcache? / Where is the latest version?

	The original archive is at : 

	The UK, Europe and US mirror of nntpcache can be accessed at:

	The Norwegian and European mirror is at :

	FreeBSD 2.2.x and above has a port/package available in
	the ports system in news/nntpcache

	Rumors on the wire suggest a Debian package also, but don't oink
	on it.


Question 1.4. Can I use nntpcache freely or do I have to license?

	Probably. It depends on who you are. See the LICENSING file for full
        details, but in a nutshell, individuals, non-military, non-profit
        research groups, non-profit organisations (including educational
	institutions) and medical or educational government departments may
	use nntpcache freely. Everyone else (that is commercial
	organisations and government) are required to license in order
	to fund on-going development and support.


Question 2.1. My system chokes on all that damned mmap()ing?!. What can I do?

        a) upgrade your OS. For instance, linux 1.2.13's mmap() does not
           work correctly in shared mode. Linux 2.0 rectified this.

        b) get a decent OS. Ultrix mmap is totally broken!


Question 2.2. Netscape-news kills itself when reading news from 

        We know. Didn't get a bugs-bounty either. Geesh. nntpcache-0.90+
        formats its data in a way that makes netscape happier. But it IS
        netscape's fault for expecting nnrpd style response messages.


Question 2.3. Expiring with nntpcached -e doesn't work

	Running nntpcached -e on a system that is already running
	nntpcache doesn't work. To expire on a system that is already
	running nntpcache, send the nntpcache process the USR2 signal. 


Question 2.4. Help! The size of our cache keeps growing! What should I do
	about expiration?

	Expiration should be automatic, it is controlled by the following 
	in the config file:

	# expire if there are under this number of blocks in the cache 
	# partition
	minBlocksFree 1000

	# run expire if there are under this number of inodes in the cache 
	# partition
	minFilesFree 1000

	# don't let the history file grow larger than this (bytes)
	hisHighWater 60M

	# when it does, trim it back to this (bytes)
	hisLowWater 40M

	# When we do an expire, kill articles older than this
	maxArtAge 2w

	# check disk space, etc for automatic expiry this often
	# (but only after a client connects or disconnects)
	expireCheckPeriod 5m

	The important point that isn't made clear here is that expire 
	runs only occur when minBlocksFree or minFilesFree are not
	satisfied. i.e the cache will happily grow until the disk starts
	filling up. Cache expiration isn't incredibly intelligent,
	although it is very fast and tries to track the actual state of
	affairs on the remote server. 


Question 2.5. nntpcache spits out : 'post failed From: address not in
	Internet syntax'. What does that mean?

	That error message translated into normal English means:

	Your attempt to post failed because the address in the "From:" 
	field was not in the format user@host.

	To solve the problem, ensure you have a correct reply-to address
	configured in the newsreader.


Question 2.6. Why does nntpcache-update take so long to load at

	nntpcache update takes a while on master startup since it loads
	overview.fmt, active, newsgroups and active.times lists from the
	providing server(s). these lists typically run into several
	mega-bytes, and nntpcache isn't able to serve clients till it has
	its hot little hands on this vital information.


 Question 3.1.  Is there a nntpcache mailinglist?

	Sure is! To join the thrills and spills of the mailinglist! Poke fun
	at Julian's coding style! Find bugs in Herbet Xu's bug fixes! Submit
	nntpcache filters to filter out all messages posted by the Kook of
	the Month and more! Send a message with the subject of 'subscribe'
	to the address 'nntpcache-users-request@nntpcache.org' (without the
	single quotes).


 Question 3.2.  How do I unsubscribe from the mailinglist?

	Unsubscribing from the mailinglist is as simple as 
	subscribing. To unsubscribe, send a message with the subject 
	of 'unsubscribe' to the address
        'nntpcache-users-request@nntpcache.org' (without the single


 Question 3.3.  Is there an archive of the nntpcache mailinglist?

	Yes! There are actually two archives of the nntpcache mailinglist.
        The first archive is at :

	A HTML version of the mailinglist archive is available at:

 Question 3.4.  Is there an official nntpcache home page?

	Is the pope catholic? The official nntpcache home-page is
	accessible at http://www.nntpcache.org/


 Question 3.5.  Who should I contact if I can't get nntpcache to work /
	I've found a bug in nntpcache, what should I do?

	If you're not subscribed to the mailinglist, send your report 
	to 'nntpcache@nntpcache.org', otherwise send your report to the 

	Along with your report, send your servers and access files
	and syslog output if appropiate to expedite a fix to your 
	problem. ok. ok. expedite is a euphemism :)

Question 4.1. What are all those entries in the servers configuration

	They signify how long nntpcache should keep the following --
	> - Active

	the active file

	> - Act.tim


	> - Newsgrp


	> - Group

	What you get if you / a client types 'group some.newsgroup'

	> - Xover

	What you get if you / a client types 'xover low-high'

	> - Arts

	What you get if you / a client types 'head/body/article no'


Question 4.2. How do I specify the "Xref:full" part in the "overviewFmt"
	line in the config file?

	You shouldn't have to specify the overviewFmt thing if the remote 
	server supports 'LIST overview.fmt'.  But if you insist, just 'Xref'
	will do.


Question 4.3. I've entered a server but nntpcache doesn't seem to want to
	know about it.

	Have you made sure there's a period ('.') after the domain name 
	of your server? For example:

	news.mynet.net      DEFAULT         4h  2d  2d 30m 60d 60d
	is probably wrong, but:

	news.mynet.net.      DEFAULT         4h  2d  2d 30m 60d 60d

	is likely correct.

	It isn't essential to use a period after the domain name ('.'), but
	it is essential that you use do so *consistently*. The period is
	used to anchor the domain to speed domain lookups, and nntpcache
	will treat references to a server without a period as an entirely
	different server to one with a period. If the server in questions is
	in /etc/hosts and you /etc/resolv.conf (or equivalent) tells your
	DNS resolver library routines to search /etc/hosts before NIS/DNS
	then you probably DON'T want the period appended (unless you have a
	corresponding period in the /etc/hosts entry)


 Q4.4 I want to set the nntpcache-virtual-server-size record, what
      are some public news-servers I can add to my servers file?

>Does anyone have a list of corporate newsservers (ie: msnews.microsoft.com
>for microsoft.*, news.3dfx.com for 3dfx.*, etc.)?

If anyone can add to or has corrections for this list, please let me know.
Some entries are commented because I haven't had time to specifically add all
groups they carry or because they weren't responding.

newsgroups.intel.com.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
msnews.microsoft.com.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.3dfx.com.                  DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
miriam.fuller.edu.              DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
adesknews.autodesk.com.         DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
forums.borland.com.             DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
hope.harvard.net.               DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
cnews.corel.com.                DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.avault.com.                DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.linkexchange.com.          DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
#forums.macromedia.com.         DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
#news.activeie.com.             DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
#news.interaktiv-media.se.      DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
publicnews.msn.com.             DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.netobjects.com.            DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
secnews.netscape.com.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
beetle.privatei.com.            DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
massena.com.                    DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
cor.newman.upenn.edu.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
forums.powersoft.com.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.sff.net.                   DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
nntp.net-link.net.              DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d          
service.symantec.com.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
#jazz.trumpet.com.au.           DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.turbopower.com.            DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.ksc.nasa.gov.              DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d
news.glbs.com.                  DEFAULT         24h     4d      4d      30m
60d     60d

# Group pattern Host

* your.main.server.here

alt.oui.support* beetle.privatei.com.
asp.*           news.glbs.com.
audioweb.*      news.glbs.com.
3dfx.*          news.3dfx.com.
autodesk.*      adesknews.autodesk.com.
avault.*        news.avault.com.
borland.*       forums.borland.com.
cakewalk.*      hope.harvard.net.
corel.*         cnews.corel.com.
crescent.*      news.glbs.com.
db.*            news.glbs.com.
forum.*         news.avault.com.
glbs.*          news.glbs.com.
intel.*         newsgroups.intel.com.   
le.*            news.linkexchange.com.
linux.*         miriam.fuller.edu.
microsoft.*     msnews.microsoft.com.
msn.*           publicnews.msn.com.
net-link.*      nntp.net-link.net.
netobjects.*    news.netobjects.com.
netscape.*      secnews.netscape.com.
ntworthy*       news.glbs.com.
people.*        secnews.netscape.com.
pilot.*         massena.com.
powerbasic.*    news.glbs.com.
powersoft.*     forums.powersoft.com.
sff.*           news.sff.net.
sybase.*        forums.powersoft.com.
symantec.*      service.symantec.com.
#trumpet.*      jazz.trumpet.com.au.
turbopower.*    news.turbopower.com.
woll2woll*      news.glbs.com.

mail.winvn      news.ksc.nasa.gov.
perl.porters-gw cor.newman.upenn.edu.


	Alan Brown <alan@manawatu.gen.nz>
	Herbert Xu <herbert@greathan.apana.org.au>
	Julian Assange <proff@nntpcache.org>
	Ken Eves <cyberw4@cyberworldcafe.com>

   We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce
   the Complete Works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know
   this is not true.
   --Robert Wilensky, University of California

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