Re: NNTPC: Problem with nntpcache on Solaris

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Hi Tony,

> On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Chan George wrote:
> > 	I am using a Sun SPARC 20 with Solaris 2.5.1 and OS recommended
> > patches loaded. I had managed to compile nntpcache with gcc
> > 2.7.2. The binaries is running fine except if I give any option/arguments
> > I get a core dump. Any ideas? On the other hand, does anybody know
> > where can I find some info on the tunings? Thanks.
> I reported on this problem and suggested a patch about a month ago.  I'm
> out of town right now and it's inconvenient with this setup to include the
> information with this message, however, if you don't get a resolution to
> your problem drop me a note tomorrow and I should be back on my normal
> system.
> The segment fault is caused because they wipe out the argv array before
> calling getopt to process the command line switches (at least on SunOS 5.4
> and apparently 5.5.1 as well.)  My suggested patch was to move two lines
> of code that save environment variables and then wipe out high memory
> after the loop that processes getopt.

This error I haven't found. But I'm glad someone else did.
Is it possioble That you send me your patch?

> I also found out that expire was not working correctly (at least for me)
> and you might find that a second patch that I recommended will be useful.

Maybe you can send me this one too? Is there a new version in which these
errors are fixed?


M.vr.Gr.                                ("''/").___..--''"`-._
Tommy                                   `o_ o  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`) 
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