Hi: I've noticed that sometimes nntpcache is a bit behind with the overview records. For example, I can telnet into the nntpcache port and say "group somenewsgroup" and it'll give me something like 211 176 12534 12710 somenewsgroup However, a subsequent "xover 12534-12710" shows everything upto 12699 and nothing beyond that. Doing the samething directly with the remote server gives the expected output. I've also come across a problem that sometimes the xover output from nntpcache is incomplete. That is, it stops in the middle of a record. This really confuses Netscape. Any ideas what might be causing this? -- Debian GNU/Linux 1.1 is out! { http://www.debian.org/ } Email: Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <herbert@greathan.apana.org.au> { http://greathan.apana.org.au/~herbert/ } PGP Key: pgp-public-keys@pgp.mit.edu or any other key sites