Tuning new nntpcache setup

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Hi. I am new to nntpcache, currently using version 2.4.0b2. It is working
very well with one exception:

Periodically through the day, several client processes will spontaneously
launch which look something like this:

 nntpcache: news@nntpcache.drizzle.com [waiting for input]

It's usually somewhere between 10 and 20 processes which are created. They
disappear within a few minutes, but during that time, it cause me to max out
my number of allowed simultaneous connections with my remote feed provider.
During that time, my customers get a "news server down" error message.

Can someone help me figure out what is causing this and how to eliminate or
minimize the impact of it? Thanks!

Kaley Davis             kaley@drizzle.net
Drizzle Internet NW     (206) 447-2702
http://www.drizzle.com  (800) 378-7405

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