Hi Thanks for your super work on nntpcache. I think it IS the best thing since sliced blue vein (cheese). I am running version 0.92.2UL on a Linux box serving tin 1.3, and I have discovered two problems -- 1) Selecting a group frequently causes tin to freeze indefinitely, displaying (for example): Group comp.os.linux.hardware ('q' to quit)... Sending a -HUPCL to the nntpcache child process converts the tin display to: Connection to news server has timed out. Reconnect? (y/n): y and responding "yes" usually proceeds fine for that group, but the next group selection is likely to give the same problem. 2) The first selection of an article usually displays garbage text (looks like a buffer not cleared from the previous article displayed). Deselecting and reselecting fixes the display. These may be known bugs -- I appreciate I AM at the bleeding edge. My setup is: nntpcache 0.92.2UL running on the localhost port 120 Linux v2.0.13 gcc 2.7.0 libc 5.3.12 tin 1.3 950824BETA Hope this feedback helps. Thanks -- Ross +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Ross Boswell | Email : drb@chmeds.ac.nz | | Department of Pathology | FAX : +64 3 364 0009 | | Christchurch School of Medicine | Phone : +64 3 364 0590 | | NEW ZEALAND | Post : PO Box 4345, Christchurch | +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+