Expire - weird behavior II - solution of sorts

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Hi J.,

I glanced through the FAQ, but I didn't find a reference to the
problem I reported earlier (never ending expires on a system
upgraded from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0b2).

Yesterday, I upgraded two servers from NNTPcache 2.3.3 to
2.4.0b2 for Y2K reasons, retaining the cache history and spool
area. Basically, all I did after installing was update
nntpcache.config, leaving the rest as it was. Later that day, I
noticed that the spool (full before) had been emptied out, and
that expire kept on running and restarting, not allowing the
spool to be filled any more. I tried some different settings for
minblocksfree and mininodesfree, but that didn't make a
difference. Finally, I totally wiped out
/usr/local/var/nntpcache, and rebooted the system. All went well
from that moment on. The situation was identical for two
separate systems, both running FreeBSD 3.3-STABLE.

The most interesting part was that the expire stats were almost
identical for both systems, whereby the reported percentage of
usedblocks was nowhere near the figure reported by df -ki
... not to mention the freaky value of maxArtAge ..

newsreader2 nntpcache-expire[6794]: expire.c:212: usedblocks =
8.5%, usedinodes = 0.1%, maxArtAge = 57s, expire ended

newsreader1 nntpcache-expire[10872]: expire.c:212: usedblocks =
8.4%, usedinodes = 0.1%, maxArtAge = 57s, expire ended

P.S.: maybe I'm a bit too early waving the green flag, because
the spool has hardly had the chance to get filled, but I think
the situation described above is not going to be repeated. If
so, I'll get back to you. In the meantime: let me know if this
rings a bell in any way ..
- Ben C. O. Grimm ----------------- Ben.Grimm@wirehub.net -
- Wirehub! Internet Engineering - http://www.wirehub.net/ -
- Wirehub! Backbone --- http://doema.wirehub.net/wirehub/ -
- Private Ponderings ------- http://libertas.wirehub.net/ -

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