Re: NNTPC: non-empty groups reported as empty

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> Mark Andrews <Mark.Andrews@dms.CSIRO.AU> wrote:  
> :  Dieter Dworkin Muller wrote:
> :  > Some more investigation shows that this appears to be a problem with
> :  > the caching of active files.  The active file for the remote server
> :  > gets updated immediately, as nntpcache.servers instructs:
> :  > 
> :  > *	119	0
> 	1h
> :  > 
> :  > However, the active file that gets returned to the client never
> :  > changes:
> :  	This is a timing issue. You have to read news between the
> :  	minimum update period and the time specified in the servers
> :  	file.
> :  
> :  	I hacked my copy to change the order of the tests in list.c so
> :  	that it merged if there was an out of date active in preference
> :  	to transfering in a new active. At least with this scheme you
> :  	get tranfer -> merge -> transfer -> merge instead of
> :  	tranfer -> tranfer -> tranfer -> ... -> merger -> tranfer -> tranfer.
> Well, I've been poking around a bit since my last missive, and it
> looks like this could be argued to be a bug (two different users read
> news, wait an hour, read news again, with an active timeout of zero,
> and the second read attempts report no new news).  Chasing through
> list.c, in UpdateCache(), if needsUpdate() returns -1 (cached copy of
> active file from server is `fresh' and newer than our working active
> file), then the working active file is updated with entries from the
> cached copy of the server's active file.  If, however, needsUpdate()
> returns TRUE (cached server active file is `stale' and should be
> updated) or FALSE (cached server active file is fresh, but not newer
> than working active file, then we just use the working active file.
> My claim is that in the case where the cached copy is to be updated,
> we should go ahead and merge it with the working active file after the
> update.
> To do this, in UpdateCache(), in the switch (needsUpdate(...)), add a
> collect = TRUE inside the TRUE case.
> Now, this may be a problem that only shows up with a single remote
> server, or with a lightly-loaded nntpcached.  If, under heavier loads,
> it does the right thing (in this case, not withholding new news for
> excessive periods of time), then my change should probably be
> conditionalized in some way.  However, with this change, you can
> control thrashing on the active file by setting the active file
> timeout in the nntpcache.servers file, which is what it seems like
> that parameter was intended for in the first place.
> To me, it looks like not setting collect in the needsUpdate()==TRUE
> case is a simple oversight.  That seems unlikely, so I'm pretty sure
> I'm missing something here.  What is it?
> Thanks.
> 	Dworkin
	This won't work when the system is bootstrapping itself into

	Changing the fopen from "r" to "r+" should make this work.

Mark Andrews, CSIRO Div Maths & Stats
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia.
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