Jan, elsen@imec.be (Marc Elsen) writes: > Apr 1 08:22:39 severius nntpcache-nocem[31111]: nocem task awakening > Apr 1 08:22:39 severius nntpcache-nocem[31111]: <nocem@nntpcache> not permitted read access to news.lists.filters > I can however read this group with a news reader/client > for instance. > What is the cause for this error and how can I correct > it ? Do you have a line like <nocem@nntpcache> * read,quick in your access file ? Hugo Hugo Embrechts ------- KULeuvenNet ------------------------------------------------------- Ludit, W. de Croylaan 52A, B-3001 Heverlee Hugo.Embrechts@kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be 016 / 32 27 85 (Tel.), 32 29 99 (Fax.)