I'm a firewall admin and evaluating nntpcache. The Unisys usergroup complaint (pre nntpcache period) that the newsfeed of our ISP wasn't complete. Newsgroup Comp.sys.unisys at news.nl.net didn't show them all messages which were visible at nntpserver.pppl.gov. Messages posted at news.nl.net DO show up at nntpserver.pppl.gov however. I can imagine that some ISP's hold messages for less days then others but all messages have to show up (eventually) at ALL newsserver, at least this is the theory, or am I wrong and are there exceptions. Now I'm using nntpcache and I'm looking into the matter. A telnet 119 and a "group comp.sys.unisys" command revealed the following: 211 32 10641 10672 comp.sys.unisys for news.nl.net 211 223 9241 9477 comp.sys.unisys for nntpserver.pppl.gov Configuration: nntpcache linux 2.0.32 using 256 Kbit permanent connection. Using Communicator 4.04 on Windows NT and connecting to nntpserver.pppl.gov shows me 223 messages (approx. last month mesgs), connecting to news.nl.net shows me only 32 messages (approx. last week). In /usr/local/var/nntpcache there is a news.nl.net (main newsfeed) directory as well a nntpserver.pppl.gov directory so it seems that nntpcache connects to comp.sys.unisys through nntpserver.pppl.gov as it should. However It doesn't retrieve all messages. In fact it looks like it stikck to messages available at news.nl.net !! My configuration file nntpcache.servers looks like Active Activ tim. Newsgrp group xover arts news.nl.net DEFAULT 24h 4d 4d 30m 60d 60d nnptserver.nl.net DEFAULT 24h 4d 4d 30m 60d 60d * news.nl.net. /* main feed */ comp.sys.unisys nntpserver.pppl.gov. /* only 1 newgroup */ Remark. I've done the same trick for microsoft newsgroups using msnews.microsoft.com and this works fine. All messages shown,cache directory created for it etc... Questions: 1) Can somebody give me a hint/clue about what I am doing wrong and how to correct it. 2) Can someone explain me what the active active time. newsgroup setting mean. I can't find info abuout it anywhere. I really hope someone can/will give a bit of help. I'm lost.... With kind regards, Jan Bessels =========== ---------------------------------------------------- Jan Bessels: Generale Bank Nederland N.V. E-mail: Bessels.J@g-bank.nl Tel. : +31 10 2703065 ---------------------------------------------------- Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * D I S C L A I M E R * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this communication is intended solely for use by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Use of this communication by others is prohibited. Generale Bank is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt.