> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 10:59:03 -0500 (EST) > From: "Jeffrey Veiss (CTG)" <jsv@bms.com> > To: nntpcache-users@suburbia.net > Subject: Very frustrated > > > . . . > > Mar 26 10:49:54 news-reader nntpcached[6252]: nntpcache.c:721: servers file nntpcache.servers contains no servers! > > . . . > Thank you for all your responses, but I finally figured out what the problem was. It turns out I missed the fact that /*'s & */'s are valid comment characters in the .servers file and I didn't realize the */ was half way down the file. I added mine at the top of his examples and removed the rest of the file. As soon as I put the */ back it it worked like a charm. Jeffrey Veiss (jsv@bms.com) PO Box 5400 Network Engineer Princeton, NJ 08543-5400 Corporate Telecommunications (609) 818-3308 Bristol-Myers Squibb (609) 818-7814 (fax)