There seems to be a slight problem with the supplied target order in the master The cf subdirectory is built after things like libmmalloc, which is a problem as the cf directory defines the available mmap operations. This cause compilation to fail on Solaris 2.5.1. Cheers, Richard Begg. *** Sat Jan 31 20:37:50 1998 --- Thu Feb 5 15:49:06 1998 *************** *** 74,80 **** nntpcacheUID = @nntpcacheUID@ nntpcachehostname = @nntpcachehostname@ ! SUBDIRS = mk scripts common libmmalloc libproff libconfused confused cf libdbz src filters http doc pgp contrib innreport EXTRA_DIST = FAQ FAQ.html LICENSING README.INN VERSION HACKING cleaner ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 --- 74,80 ---- nntpcacheUID = @nntpcacheUID@ nntpcachehostname = @nntpcachehostname@ ! SUBDIRS = mk scripts cf common libmmalloc libproff libconfused confused libdbz src filters http doc pgp contrib innreport EXTRA_DIST = FAQ FAQ.html LICENSING README.INN VERSION HACKING cleaner ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4