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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
NIH News 
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 9:00 a.m. ET 

NCI Media Relations Branch, 301-496-6641, ncipressofficers@xxxxxxxxxxxx;

NHGRI Communications, 301-402-0911, spencerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx 


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome
Research Institute (NHGRI), both part of the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), today announced the first three cancers that will be
studied in the pilot phase of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project.
The cancers to be studied in the TCGA Pilot Project are lung, brain
(glioblastoma), and ovarian.  These cancers, which collectively account
for more than 210,000 cancer cases each year in the United States, were
selected because of the availability of biospecimen collections that met
TCGA's strict scientific, technical, and ethical requirements.

"The selection of the first three cancer types to be studied by TCGA
signals the scientific start of this initiative.  Thanks to the tools
and technologies developed by the Human Genome Project, scientists can
collaborate to determine whether it will be possible to develop a useful
atlas of the changes in the human genetic blueprint associated with all
types of cancer," said NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D.

It is estimated that 174,470 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed
in the United States in 2006.  Lung cancer is the major cause of
cancer-related mortality in both men and women, with an estimated
162,460 deaths expected to occur in 2006.  Brain tumors account for
nearly 90 percent of all primary central nervous system tumors.  It is
estimated that 18,820 new cases of brain cancer will be diagnosed in the
United States this year, and 12,820 patients will die from the disease.
Glioblastomas, also called glioblastoma multiforme or grade IV
astrocytoma, are often fatal, malignant brain tumors that grow and
spread very aggressively, and are the most frequently occurring type of
brain cancer.  An estimated 20,180 new cases of ovarian cancer and an
estimated 15,310 deaths from the disease are expected in the United
States in 2006.  Often detected late, ovarian cancer causes more deaths
than any other cancer of the female reproductive system.

NCI and NHGRI launched TCGA in December 2005 as a collaborative
three-year pilot project to test the feasibility of using large-scale
genome analysis technologies to determine all of the important genomic
changes involved in cancer.  When fully operational, TCGA will consist
of four integrated components:  a Biospecimen Core Resource (BCR);
Cancer Genome Characterization Centers; Genome Sequencing Centers; and a
Principal Bioinformatics Resource. 

Today, the two institutes also announced the biorepositories that will
provide biospecimens of the first three cancer types to be studied as
part of the TCGA Pilot Project.  The source of the lung cancer
biospecimens will be the Lung Cancer Tissue Bank of the Cancer and
Leukemia Group B (CALGB) clinical trials group, which is housed at the
Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Mass.  The source of the brain
tumor (glioblastoma) biospecimens will be MD Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston, Texas.  The ovarian cancer biospecimens will be provided by the
Gynecologic Oncology Group tissue bank at the Children's Hospital of the
Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.  

NCI and NHGRI also announced today that the International Genomics
Consortium, part of the Translational Genomics Research Institute, of
Phoenix, Ariz., was selected to establish and manage TCGA's BCR.  The
BCR will collect, store, process, and distribute biomolecules from
cancerous and normal samples to the Cancer Genome Characterization
Centers and Genome Sequencing Centers for genomic analysis. 

TCGA's Cancer Genome Characterization Centers will analyze samples from
the BCR to identify key genomic alterations, such as copy number changes
and/or chromosomal rearrangements, some of which are known to contribute
to cancer development and/or progression.  Selected genes will be
sequenced by the Genome Sequencing Centers using high-throughput methods
to identify small genomic changes, such as single base mutations and
small insertion/deletions.  TCGA Cancer Genome Characterization Centers
and the Genome Sequencing Centers will be selected in the coming months.

"Cancer is exceedingly complex, and includes more than 200 different
diseases. The overall goal of TCGA is to delve more deeply into the
genetic origins that lead to this complexity, in order to enable the
discovery and development of a new generation of therapies, diagnostics,
and preventive strategies for all cancers," noted Acting NCI Director
John E. Niederhuber, M.D.  "Results from the TCGA Pilot Project may
provide the results we need to detect cancer early, in its most
treatable stage, and provide new targets for the development of specific

"The Cancer Genome Atlas will use cutting-edge technologies and
knowledge from the Human Genome Project and other genomic studies to
assess the range of genomic changes that cause the uncontrolled cell
growth that characterizes cancer," explained National Human Genome
Research Institute Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. "TCGA will
analyze hundreds of tumor specimens with multiple technologies,
including the comparison of genome sequences from the cancers with the
normal DNA sequence derived from the same patients, in order to identify
changes that are specifically associated with cancer."

The three cancers selected for study by TCGA were identified in a
process that began in the fall of 2005 with a Request for Information
(RFI) from NCI and notification to NCI Cancer Centers.  The goal of the
RFI was to identify candidate biospecimen collections that employed the
highest level of ethical, technical, biologic, pathologic, and
bioinformatics standards in the development of their biorepository. 

The collections that qualified were evaluated in a three-stage process.
The primary criteria addressed minimal requirements for the quality and
quantity of the samples and the associated clinical information.
Secondary criteria were then applied to effectively rank those tumor
collections that met the primary criteria.  Site visits to the
biorepositories were then conducted by NCI and NHGRI staff.  Critical
factors for TCGA, such as timing, logistics, and the need for re-consent
of patients, were factored into selection of the biorepositories to be
considered.  Finally, the biorepositories that emerged from this tiered
process were further reviewed by an expert panel that included
representatives from the surgery, research, pathology, bioethics, and
patient advocate communities.  The primary, secondary, and additional
criteria are described in detail at

"The Cancer Genome Atlas Pilot Project is an important opportunity as we
survey the potential future of cancer research.  We must put aside our
specific disease interests and channel our energy into the larger issues
that can empower the cancer research enterprise to find new ways to
improve outcomes for all cancer patients," said Doug Ulman, cancer
survivor, chief mission officer of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, and
chair of the NCI Director's Consumer Liaison Group.  

Success factors for the TCGA Pilot Project include completion of genomic
analysis of the three initial cancer types; identification of specific
alterations in genes associated with cancer; and differentiation of
cancer subtypes based on genomic changes.  In addition, the pilot
project will establish a publicly available integrated database that
scientists can use to generate new knowledge through research.  TCGA
data will be made available through public databases supported by NCI's
cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (TM)(caBIG (TM)) and the National
Library of Medicine's National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI). TCGA data will be provided in a manner that meets the highest
standards for protection and respect of the research participants. 

"The Cancer Genome Atlas is a revolutionary project with the potential
to provide cancer researchers the information needed to generate new
hypotheses that can be tested in the laboratory and the clinic," said
NCI Deputy Director Anna D. Barker, Ph.D.  "Achieving the long-term goal
of TCGA to identify all of the significant genomic changes in all
cancers will benefit patients by enabling the discovery and development
of the molecular biomarkers needed to develop targeted interventions to
prevent and cure cancer."   

Data from the TCGA Pilot Project will provide researchers and clinicians
with an early glimpse of what promises to become an unprecedented,
comprehensive "atlas" of molecular information describing the genomic
changes in all types of cancer.  TCGA will ultimately enable researchers
throughout the world to analyze and employ the data to develop a new
generation of targeted diagnostics, therapeutics, and preventives for
all cancers, and pave the way for more personalized cancer medicine.  

For more details about The Cancer Genome Atlas, please go to

More information about lung, brain and ovarian cancers can be found at, and, respectively.

For more information about cancer and the National Cancer Institute,
please visit the NCI Web site at, or call NCI's
Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237).

For more information about the National Human Genome Research Institute,
please visit the NHGRI Web site at 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- "The Nation's Medical
Research Agency" -- includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a
component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the
primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and
translational medical research, and it investigates the causes,
treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more
information about NIH and its programs, visit


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