From what I've read so far, the capacity of my entropy pool is 4096 bytes and it's current size is 155 bytes. I'm wondering if the size of the entropy pool affects the speed of generating the random numbers because instead of breaking when the entropy pool runs out of bytes, urandom will read the entropy pool again and generate more random numbers. So a smaller pool size would mean that the frequency of file re-reads is higher which would make it slower?
If I wanna test this hypothesis, is there any convenient way for me to manually alter the size of the entropy pool size? I'm really trying to optimize the generation of the cyrptographically secure random numbers.
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Mulyadi Santosa <mulyadi.santosa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
it's the other way around....
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Sannu K <sannumail4foss@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>So urandom will take more
> time than /dev/random.
Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant
Mihir Pandya
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