Intel went back to P6 architecture.
All the current architectures are improved versions of P6 architectures.
Jigar Savla
Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph: +1- 404 406 2766
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Mulyadi Santosa <mulyadi.santosa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all
As the subject says, I wanna make it clear. According to, it seems that Core Duo use
the same core as Pentium M, that's Yonah. However, looking at the
timeline of the product release, I would expect it's somewhat a slight
modified version of Pentium 4.
So, which one is right? I asked this because I wanna optimize my
kernel optimization with the hope of reducing power consumption as
much as possible in kernel space (besides the no_hz and ticks
frequency etc of course).
Thanks in advance..
Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant
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