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On 16 Oct 2009, at 11:53 AM, Matze wrote:

Hi all,
I'm implementing a device driver on a custom board with AVR32 (AP7000) and I observed that the isr executes on rising edge and on high state of interrupt pin.
So I tried to request irq like this:
status = request_irq(spiaccel->irq, accel_interrupt, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING|IRQF_DISABLED, "accel-driver", spiaccel); but it does not seem to have any effect on the behaviour on calling isr.
Is there another place, where the trigger is set globaly?
Is there any possibility to determine inside the isr in which trigger event it has been executed?

I'm not familiar with that exact platform, but have done Linux kernel  
work on other atmel chips. There is generally a status register  
(containing some bits corresponding to interrupt flags) you need to  
read, and an interrupt mask register (which has mask bits  
corresponding to the interrupts which are actually enabled). You then  
do a bitwise AND on the two to determine which bit/s caused the  
interrupt. In some cases reading the status register is enough to  
clear that particular interrupt on the processor (e.g. bits which are  
of the form "indicates event x happened since last time status was  
read"), in other case you need to resolve some sort of scenario to  
clear the interrupt status (e.g. setup a new peripheral dma controller  
register to point to a dma buffer). If you do not clear the interrupt  
condition inside the handler, the handler will be called again  
immediately (possibly causing a softlockup), so if there is some  
scenario in which you cannot clear the condition you need to disable  
that interrupt. Hope some of this rambling helps, even though it  
doesn't directly answer your question. AFAIK, you cannot change the  
way the interrupt is triggered in the request_irq(), you need to do  
that in a processor-specific way using control registers (I might be  
wrong about this).
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