Hello Lin/all, Following up on my reply to the u32 issue and Kernel compilation (in Eclipse/CDT), I am wondering about 2 issues someone here might have figured before : 1. How do you (re) change path to set the module output when building ? -> The hierarchy of my project (ideally) requires that my Kernel Module source resides in a sub-dir called 'src'. Thus, my (test) module is defined as such : obj-m := ../src/my_test.o OK, all is good, no problem. But now my module output ends up in the /src/ sub directory. However, I want the executable code to land in my /Debug folder.... Can anyone give a hint how to accomplish this ? I can't seem to readily find a solution to this... So, basically, the folders are like this : My Project : ... src/ Debug/ My Makefile is in the Debug folder - the module source is in /src. But the module output needs to go into Debug/ folder ????? 2. As referred to in the u32 previous post, I'm a bit stumped how to invoke GBD on debugging kernel modules. Do I need a separate "pre-command" from the debugger, launching insmod, or some such ? I look forward to any help or suggestions I can get... -- Best regards, Kris -- To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ