its declared in linux/time/timekeeping.c
ref :
btw, have you tried by loading the module?? does it complain in loading
Harsha wrote:
Hi all,
After reading the The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide, I have
written a very simple module that reads the value of variable xtime
declared in time.h and displays the output in /proc/xtime_procfs -
Here is the Makefile-
The problem is that xtime variable is not being resolved by the compiler-
[root@localhost host-tests]# make
make -C /lib/modules/ M=/root/host-tests modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
WARNING: "xtime" [/root/host-tests/xtime-mod.ko] undefined!
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
[root@localhost host-tests]#
I have included the path to the correct sources in the Makefile and
ensured that time.h is present here-
I have also installed the kernel headers.
Can someone please tell me what I'm missing ?
Many thanks,
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