Re: Copying Data Blocks

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Hey Peter,

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Peter Teoh <htmldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Frankly, I am quite losts in the sea of argument :-).....but let try
> sharing my points:
>>> I can see the inode locking for the entire duration of a file reorg
>>> would be unacceptable at some later point in the development / release
>>> cycle.
>> That's exactly we are intending. We are planning to get down to block
>> level in our later milestones. I have mentioned that earlier as well.
> Yes, locking can be done either at the block or inode level.   But I
> would like to suggest is Oracle's mechanism - NO LOCKS at all!!!

I know they do it, but they have the support from all around
themselves. Meaning, each and every module of the system belongs to
They can get each and every API they wish. Think it from an open
source pesrpective, where you have to write 100 mails to get one line
Do you expect you will be able to get all the API's you wish ??

> To copy something from A to B, u either freeze all changes to A, and
> copy it, or,
> u just go straight and copy it, AND UNDO any unnecessary changes that
> have been done.   The latter u can get from the journalling logs
> (errr....does not apply to ext2) - whereby all changes are in terms of
> transaction.   So any data chnages which is not
> considered incomplete, and therefore will be undone.   Another
> criteria is TIME (explained later).
> But then again journalling have two types:   it either hold all the
> latest data changes, or it does not, but just an indication of WHERE
> changes are made (only the metadata) - called writeback or data
> journalling (
> So based on all these it is possible to reconstruct the data changes.
> So now u compare - in your imagination - one operation with (locks +
> copy) x 1000000 times repeated, and another one
> of (copy) x 1000000 + undoing changes based on
> scenario where there is very little chagnes.....the Oracle mechanism
> wins in term of performance.   The emphasis here is that there is NO
> That is how "online backup in Oracle" works.   And another criteria
> for slicing the journalling logs is time.   Based on a certain point
> in time, all transactions before will be flushed out, and after that
> undone, if data changes have been done.   Oracle can do that is
> because all data changes are recorded in journalling.   In ext3 case,
> if we have data journalling (not writeback) then this is
> possible....this is default in my distro (Fedora) and mentioned in the
> ext3-faq as well.
> Another emphasis is point-in-time.   Everything at a particular point
> in time is always consistent.   But if u lock one file and unlock it
> and lock the other files.....different files copied at different
> times....u may end up one file being much more forwarded in its
> recency (or times of "updatedness" than another).   Ie, data
> inconsistency.   Which is why in Oracle backup procedures, it is never
> never locking at the per-file level - which is your inode locking.
> Hopefully I have explained myself clear enough?
> --
> Regards,
> Peter Teoh


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