Re: need help on writing a fs-module

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u posted right...but i don't understand your question

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:47 PM,  <santi@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to write a fs, that caches the content of another fs to disc, so the final fs should work with two discs.

eg...."myfs" will cache an existing ext3 another disk? so
reading the myfs will read from both disk?

so writing to myfs will write to cache + original fs?   but original
fs can mount standalone...but not myfs?

sound logical enough:   perhaps the cache is used for checksuming, or
journalling, or error correction purposes, or if residing in
memory....then it is called pagecache...

u can:

a. use FUSE
b. use libfs
c. use the model how ext3 and jfs worked together.....writing to ext3
always entailed writing to jfs journalling.

> The drive, that contains the cached data is considered private to my fs, so I like to mount/unmount it.
> The other drive, that should be cached is considered a user disk, so it will be mounted from outside the module stuff.

this two line is the confusing specify the userspace level
of interaction u required.....rephrasing?

> I already have a working environment as well as a running skeleton, but I don't understand the workflow yet, so I don't know, which part I should modify to get my dreams to reality.
> As the caching should be transparent/invisible to client-apps, I thought, writing a new fs would be right.
> But from inside a module, I don't have any knowledge about the whole path, so I don't know, when and how to change it.
> - Who breaks the path from open() into single directory-lookups?
> - If I have the inode of a directory from one drive, how can I find the inode with the same path (relative to the mountpoint) on another drive (from inside a module - of cause)?
> I read anything, I could find about filesystems, but I think, things are a bit complicated, to get into it - alone.
> So any help is appreciated.
> kind regards
> Santiago
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