yes i have taken 2.6.22 kernel from i like to to distributed computing for massive storage.but as per grid OS document ,TUX server is to be required in build kernel.this TUX server has been removed from 2.6 hopw i can make my kernel enable for TUX server as well from that i should get a system call sys_tux to communicate user application with TUX kernel server??
is bydefault 2.6.22 kernel has TUX server and sys_tux system call in build? i f not then how i can make it???
Thanks and Regards,
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Henrik Austad <henrik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thursday 13 November 2008 09:31:47 amol verule wrote:
> hi to all
Hello! :-)
It will probably be much simpler to just download the source for 2.6 itself,
> I a newbie to kernel programming..I wish to bring the functionalities
> of the grid to the kernel level so as to develop a grid Operating system As
> a first step to it..I need to configure the TUX server in the kernel.Can u
> please tell me where i could get the patch for 2.6 kernel series
and not patches (if there are patches to move you from 2.4 and up to the
current level.
Also, if you are seriously looking at doing some heavy-duty kernel development
(which you project seems to aim at), I'd go for git and clone the repo.
git clone git://
Otherwise, the latest stable can be retrieved from
Out of curiosity, what do you mean by 'the functionality of the grid'? Are you
looking at distributed computing? the ability to migrate tasks from one system
to another? massive storage?
Anyway, good luck :)
welcome to kernel hacking
med Vennlig Hilsen - Yours Sincerely
Henrik Austad