Hi, On 9/8/08, Greg KH <greg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 09:42:23PM +0800, Steven Zhou wrote:> > Hi guys,> >> > I'm a newbie about Linux driver developing, and now I'm studying the Linux> > driver model. You can find also good start point at :http://www.bravegnu.org/device-model/device-model.txt> >> > I have refered the book <Understanding the Linux Kernel>, but... I'm still> > confused about Linux drver model.> > Such as the relationships among kobject, kset, subsystem, bus(especially> > platform-bus), device, drvier. Then> > I turned to the book <Linux Device Driver>, but the situation is still> > on..... The basic conception in my mind is> > not very clear.> >> > Is there anybody have the good matirial about Linux device model? Can you> > share it?>> Take a look at the book, Linux Device Drivers, 3rd edition, free online.> It has a summary of how the driver model looked back in the early 2.6> days, and should give you a good place to start with.>> After that, any specific questions you might have, please let us know.>> thanks,>> greg k-h>> --> To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with> "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ>> thanks Marek -- as simple as primitive as possible----------------------------------------------Marek BeliškoRuská Nová Ves 21908005 PrešovSlovakiahttp://binaural.ifastnet.com��.n��������+%����w�j)p���{.n����z�ޖw�n'���q���b�������v��m�����Y�����