I have not used Fedora. But I am familar with debian.
For debian
There is a package named linux-patch-debian-2.6.18, which contains the
patches used to produce the prepackaged linux source tree for debian.
After installing it, there is a directory named
'/usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.18/debian' which contains all the
patches for debian kernel source. the 'series' defines the order of
applying patch.
For SUSE Enterprise Server
There is a file named README.SUSE in
# Install the package:
$ rpm -i kernel-source.src.rpm
# Unpack the patches and the kernel sources:
$ cd /usr/src/packages/SOURCES
$ for f in patches.*.tar.bz2; do \
tar xfj $f || break; \
$ tar xfj linux-2.6.5.tar.bz2
# Apply the patches
$ for p in $(./guards $(./arch-symbols) < series.conf); do
patch -d linux-2.6.5 -p1 < $p || break
From above, I think maybe the patches for suse kernel source are in
kernel-source.src.rpm. But I am not sure.
Pavan Kandepet 写道:
Is there anyway to know what patches have been applied to a stock kernel?
I have a Fedora 9 on an x86 machine and I want to recompile the
kernel, I'd
like to know what patches have been applied so that I can apply
them before
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