hi all,
I got a problem here: I have a large share memory (say, 1.5GB) to be mapped into several processes' address space, I wanna make sure that the addresses those processes use to map the shared memory are a same one according to some reason. Specifically speaking, I will invoke shmat () in every process with a same second argument, a same address. But there is possibility that some times in some processes I can not make sure that the address is not in use. So my question is: what address should I choose, is there anything about process memory management in UNIX standards (posix, xopen...). I can make sure that I will attatch the shared memory right after the process starts.
Paul Francisco = pAnk7.yArdbird
.' ' ` . pAnk7.yArdbird ^_^
: :' : pank7yardbird(AT)gmail.com
`. ` ' liyi(AT)net.pku.edu.cn
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